We explore the world to make the
boardgame culture more colorful.

We explore the world to make the boardgame culture more colorful.
Each boardgame has its own world. There is trouble, irritation, devastation, regret, joy, and excitement... The perfectly designed boardgames deliver full of emotions to the players, and it is almost like a precisely built small world. When we play, we throw these worlds on the table, interact with each other, and discover the truth of each universe. We, Studium Mundi, are the team that seeks a better way to navigate the fabulous world of boardgames. Because we believe that boardgames have infinite possibilities. We will do everything we can to make the board game culture more fruitful.
We promise to create an environment where people from a wide variety of genres, including young and old, men and women, and in Japan and overseas can immerse in the world of boardgames. We hope to spread the charms of boardgames even to the unknown areas beyond the traditional framework of boardgame culture.
Until the day, Studium Mundi continues to explore the world.

Corporate NameStudium Mundi Inc.
Corporate HeadquartersDaini Inose Building 7F,
Minato-ku, Tokyo
107-0061 -
FoundedJuly 27, 2018
Representative DirectorsCEO: Tsubasa Takeshita
Description of BusinessBoard game business in general
Capital9 million yen (as of July 2018)